Thursday 24 March 2011

Making a scalloped card

Hi and welcome to Technique Thursday this week I'm going to show you how to make a scalloped card by just using the Scalloped Edge Border Punch (119882)
Using the scalloped edge border punch (119882) scallop the edge of a A4 piece of card.
This is where you will have to now line up from the back of the punch. Line up the last scallop with the first whole scallop making sure that the rest of the card comes to the tips of the scallop.
Then punch the rest of the edge of the card to required size. (I did until my card came to the nearest.5.5").    
Count how many scallops you have made going up the side, using this number count along the front and trim excess off (this is if you want a square card of you want anything else then adjust accordingly).
Repeat for other side, this will give you a scalloped edge just on the front of the card, but if you want to have it on the back and the front then you would need to mark the middle of the card with pencil, then continue punching until you have an completed card.
 Close up of the front of the card.
 Completed scalloped card.
Inside of card.

Hope this technique is helpful if there is anything that is not clear as always give me a quick email (email address above).



  1. Very clear instructions Sharon, and lovely card. Will we be making this at the make and take?

  2. Beautiful card Sharon and just the instructions I needed. Just need the time to go and try it our now!

  3. Thank you guys for the comments.
